Mergers & Acquisitions

Mergers & Acquisitions

Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) refers to the process of combining two or more companies into a single entity or acquiring one company by another. M&A can be done for various reasons, such as gaining access to new markets, diversifying products or services, increasing efficiency, or eliminating competition.  

 Our Services:

l   Quality of earnings review to calculate normalized EBITDA

l   Financial and tax due diligence

l   Internal controls due diligence

l   Design of deal model and holding structure

l   Advises on accounting, taxation and regulatory compliance

l   Development of financial valuation model

l   Review of profit forecast and future cash flow schedule

l   Evaluate transaction agreement terms and conditions

l   Post deal implementation support

Consultation & Proposal

Advising you on the best solution for your
business and provide you our comprehensive proposal.

Sign & Payment

After reviewing the proposal, we sign the
service contract and receive your payment.

Prepare Documents

We send you an application form as well as
the list of documents we need from your side.

Consistent Assistance

We accompany with you in all-round process
and share with you the update polices.

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