Start Your Business In Singapore With Our Great Assistance

Make Your Presence in Singapore
Registration Procedures
Sign the Agreement
Provide Information
Make Documents
Get Government Approval
Obtain Licences
  • Client signs the agreement and pay the service fee
  • Provide company name, shareholders, business scope, registered capital, registered address
  • Prepare all documents, and all the shareholders and directors sign the documents
  • Submit company documents and complete whole procedures
  • Receive a complete set of the registered company documents
  • Basic Requirements
    Company name
    Must be an English name and must end with "PTE. LTD.".
    Company directors
    To register a company in Singapore, there must be at least 2 individuals or companies, with no nationality restrictions. One local director is required, and directors must be natural persons over 18 years old. (If needed, Globlue can provide nominee directors.)
    Registered capital
    A Singapore company can be established with a registered capital of SGD 1, and no actual payment is required.
    Business scope
    Select any two business categories from the industry classification table required by the Singapore government as the company's business scope. Note that special industries require special approval by the government.
    Registered address
    The registered address must be located in Singapore and can be either a virtual address or a physical office rental (provided by Globlue).
    Corporate Secretary
    A qualified corporate secretary must be appointed by a Singapore company within 6 months of its incorporation (provided by Globlue).
    Maintenance Requirements
  • 01.
    Annual General Meeting (AGM)
    Every new company must hold its first Annual General Meeting (AGM) within 18 months of incorporation. Subsequently, an AGM must be held every 15 months. Within one month after the AGM, the company is required to file its Annual Return (Annual Filing) with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA).
  • 02.
    Tax filing for Singapore companies
    Every financial year, a private limited company in Singapore must submit an English financial report or audit report compiled in accordance with the standards of the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA) to the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) in Singapore. However, for Singapore companies with no more than 20 shareholders who are all individual shareholders (no corporate shareholders) and have an annual turnover of less than SGD 10 million, they may be exempted from undergoing an audit of their accounts.
  • Consultation & Proposal

    Advising you on the best solution for your
    business and provide you our comprehensive proposal.

    Sign & Payment

    After reviewing the proposal, we sign the
    service contract and receive your payment.

    Prepare Documents

    We send you an application form as well as
    the list of documents we need from your side.

    Consistent Assistance

    We accompany with you in all-round process
    and share with you the update polices.

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