Payroll Services in China

Payroll Services

Outsourcing payroll services offers several benefits for your businesses.

It saves time, reduces errors, and is cost-effective.

We have expertise in all aspects of payroll processing, providing businesses with peace of mind and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Our Services
Open Social Insurance Account Open Housing Fund Account
Salary Calculation and Disbursement
Individual Income Tax (NT) Declaration
Social Insurances and Housing Fund Contributions
China Individual Income Tax
Residents Living in China for 183 days or more in a calendar year
(A) Taxable income (B) Taxable income subject to gross up Tax rate Quick deduction
In excess of RMB To RMB In excess of RMB To RMB Percent RMB
0 36,000 0 34,920 3 0
36,000.01 144,000 34,920.01 132,120 10 2,520
114,000.01 300,000 132,120.01 256,920 20 16,920
300,000.01 420,000 256,920.01 346,920 25 31,920
420,000.01 660,000 346,920.01 514,920 30 52,920
660,000.01 960,000 514,920.01 709,920 35 85,920
960,000.01 Over 709,920.01 Over 45 181,920
Non-residents Not Living in China for 183 days or more in a calendar year
A) Taxable income (B) Taxable income subject to gross up Tax rate Quick deduction
In excess of RMB To RMB In excess of RMB To RMB Percent RMB
0 3,000 0 2,910 3 0
3,000.01 12,000 2,910.01 11,010 10 210
12,000.01 25,000 11,010.01 21,410 20 1,410
25,000.01 35,000 21,410.01 28,910 25 2,660
35,000.01 55,000 28,910.01 42,910 30 4,410
55,000.01 80,000 42,910.01 59,160 35 7,160
80,000.01 Over 59,160.01 Over 45 15,160

Consultation & Proposal

Advising you on the best solution for your
business and provide you our comprehensive proposal.

Sign & Payment

After reviewing the proposal, we sign the
service contract and receive your payment.

Prepare Documents

We send you an application form as well as
the list of documents we need from your side.

Consistent Assistance

We accompany with you in all-round process
and share with you the update polices.

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