Other Company Services in China

Company Changes

Contents of Company Changes

l   Change of Company Name (enterprise name is needed to be pre-approval)

l   Change of Business Address

l   Change of Legal Representative

l   Change of Shareholder

       l   Change of Registered Capital

       l   Change of Company Structure

Basic Required Documents of Company Changes

l   Original business license and a copy of the business license

l   Company seal

l   Legal representative’s and shareholders’ID cards / passports

l   The agents original ID card / passport

l   A screenshot of the real name authentication

Note: Before making any changes to the submitted materials,the legal representative and shareholders need to complete the real name registration and identity verification process.

Consultation & Proposal

Advising you on the best solution for your
business and provide you our comprehensive proposal.

Sign & Payment

After reviewing the proposal, we sign the
service contract and receive your payment.

Prepare Documents

We send you an application form as well as
the list of documents we need from your side.

Consistent Assistance

We accompany with you in all-round process
and share with you the update polices.

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